Facebook Feed Ad
You can display the Facebook feed within your banner in real time and also give social sharing button of social sites .You can display the twitter’ live feed within banner to engage the audience in order to generate the conversation for your respective brand.
Twitter Feed Ad
You can display the twitter feed within your banner in real time and also give social sharing button of social sites. You can display the twitter’ live feed within banner to engage the audience in order to generate the conversation for your respective brand.
Gaming Banners
Execute gaming banners to engage audience with brand for longer dwell time on google display network and 50 more ad exchanges
Engagement Ad
You can host must multiple video within in one banner by placing the video assets into platform. Video can be auto played as well. Tracking video interactions such as quartiles, start, pause, mute and duration will be recorded by the ad serving technology.
Scratch It Off Banners
TSimulate a scratch-off effect associated with winning a prize or unveil new Packaging. Viewer will use finger or
mouse to scratch away the top layer to reveal ad content.
Branded Canvas With Video
Build customize branding around embedded Youtube video to generate higher brand engagement.
Polling Ad
Use this ad to any conduct survey related to your brand through in-banner polling.
Drop & Drag
An excellent feature to involve viewers in your ad. Best for enhancement of user engagement.